Friday, August 17, 2012

Christopher's phase-in day.

 This morning, 8/17  was Christopher's phase-in half day.  It is to get to know his teacher and some of his class members - only one other child scheduled this day. He was soooo excited!! I hope he keeps his love of school going for the next 13 years.

I mentioned earlier that I thought there was 3 to 6 Kindergarten classes. oops there are 9, yes nine!!!  His class is in the 1st grade wing of the school since there are only 8 1st grades. Savannah has 7 classrooms in her 3rd grade. The school is K thru 5. Plus developmental pre K. This school is growing by leaps and bounds.  The Rockvale area has many new homes and lots of young families. He will also get to see his orginal preK teacher, Ms Deedee. And will be looking for the aide Mrs Angel. These two women helped him adjust to the routine of school and started him on his love of school. Of course, like every other teacher/aide he has encountered, they love their Christopher.


  1. Dang! Nine classes!?! I have always thought the phase-in days were for the mama's emotions. HA!

  2. He went straight into pre K at Eagleville And is ready to go to school next week! but will have to wait til the 27th.
    You are right about phase-in day was for mama. YOU talked to KIM that day.
